Industry Experts
Our recruiters have an average of 5.7 years of experience at Fettig Jobs and deep manufacturing and warehouse staffing expertise. We understand the unique challenges of West Michigan's industrial employers because we've spent years solving them. When you partner with us, you work with industry veterans who know what it takes to build and maintain a reliable workforce.
Smart Matching
Every Fettig Jobs client has a dedicated Account Manager who learns your business, culture, and specific needs inside and out. We look beyond skill sets to find people who fit your team and want to grow with your company. The result? Over 550 of our associates have converted from temporary to direct hire positions in the last year alone, proving our ability to find candidates who stick.
Real Results
We measure our success by your success. Our 94% client retention rate shows we deliver results even when hiring gets tough. Whether you're scaling up production, managing seasonal demands, or building your permanent team, we're committed to finding you qualified, reliable workers who will drive your business forward.
Ready to solve your staffing challenges?
Call (616) 975-3011 or complete the form below. Let's discuss how we can help you build the workforce you need.